Mapleton Mobile-izer

The Mapleton Mobile-izer is issued quarterly, following the MHA membership meetings. Special editions are issued as needed, for example before a quarterly meeting where MHA members will be voting for executives or making an important decision.

Past issues of the mobilizer can be requested from the editor via e-mail. Please include the specific date or topic that you are requesting.

The Mapleton Mobile-izer
Volume 8, #4     Newsletter of the Mapleton Home Association [MHA]  June 2003
Debbie Kranzler #14 Passes away after battling cancer
Inside this issue: MAIL BOX
Send letters to:
Unsigned letters will not be printed.
Names withheld upon request.
Former Community Coordinator died peacefully
Memorial to Debbie Kranzler
MHA elections: Debbie Feustel elected new president of MHA; Lori Anderegg is the new secretary
Minutes of the Mapleton Home Association Spring Quarterly meeting
MHA Dues
Web Master
Save these dates
Execspeaks out
Former Community Coordinator Died Peacefully
By Mark Reeder

Debbie Kranzler passed away Thursday, May 22nd, after battling cancer for five and a half months. She is survived by her husband Mark Reeder, her parents Gene and Lorle Kennedy, her brothers Daniel and Michael Kranzler and her sister, Judy Kranzler-Wyrobek.
Debbie lived in Mapleton Park for sixteen years and was actively involved the Mapleton Home Association, first as Co-chair of the Resident Advisory Committee and later as Community Coordinator. "Debbie’s fingerprints are all over the Mapleton Project," Mark Reeder said. "She was actively involved in the site, affordability, infrastructure and the business committees and was one of the architects of the of the overall vision of becoming part of the Thistle CLT."
As an active member of the MHA when it was first founded, Debbie helped engineer the compromise with Utilities that saved eight homes in the Goose Creek Flood Project. She also helped negotiate the landmark lease which gave unprecedented security to mobile home owners in Mapleton Park. Debbie hoped to live long enough to see the project successfully concluded.
Her wit, grace and wisdom will be sorely missed.

Memorial to Debbie Kranzler

I led a silent walk through the park the night you went to Hospice and the Park seemed very quiet. It was a lonely walk although people were walking behind. When we stopped at your empty house, I could only bow a warrior’s bow to a warrior getting ready to depart. We will miss you and are grateful that we knew you for the time we had together. We owe you a great deal.
Debbie Kranzler I miss you, I miss your smile, your dry sense of humor and your tenacious attitude. You fought all of your life up to the very end. You fought for the rights of women, taught women how to fight for their lives when you taught Model Mugging. You led many a folk through the thicket of Mapleton getting on its feet. It was only up to the time when you were diagnosed that you resigned your position for Mapleton. Your heart and soul has left a footprint in this community that will never be eroded. Though sometimes misunderstood because you fought for what you felt was right, you were not always popular. Once I got to know you and understood your rationale, I came to appreciate and love you dearly. I picked up your mantle and believe me when I say this it was not a light one but one that I engaged others to help me carry. You have been and will be sorely missed.

MHA Elections: Debbie Feustel Elected New MHA President; Lori Anderegg Is the New Secretary

Debbie (Deb) Feustel was elected unanimously April 27th as the MHA’s fourth President. She moved from Chicago to Boulder in 1999 and moved into Mapleton in October of 2000. Shortly after moving into the park, Deb joined the Management Committee bringing twenty years of property management experience with her. She has just graduated from Naropa with a BA in Theater and a writing minor and intends to go on with a Masters in writing.
MHA members unanimously chose Lori Anderegg to be the MHA’s Secretary. She came to Boulder from Iowa five years ago. Since the birth of her daughter, two and a half years ago, she has been a stay-at-home mom. Lori replaces Mari Haas who served the MHA diligently for two terms. Mari will remain a member of the Management Committee.

Minutes of the Mapleton Home Association Spring Quarterly Meeting
April 27, 2003 at Unity Church 5:30 pm


Introductions: (Mark Reeder) Thistle Community Housing Staff--Etta Habegger, Roger Lewis and Jim Harrington; site planner Nancy Blackwood, and MHA community coordinator Kathryn Alexander

Site Infrastructure Update: (Nancy/Jim) Community design meetings 6/30, Unity Church 6:30pm

Elections: (Alex Wilson)
President and Secretary

Acquisition Overview: (TCH) o Organizational chart
o Purpose of following documents
o Land Lease (TCH)
o Lot Lease with addendum (TCH & MHA Mgmt.)
o Rules and regulation (MHA Management)

Affordability Update/Next Steps: (TCH)
o Community Land Trust Orientation
o Income verification process

Resident Comments:
Mark Reeder opened with the reading of guidelines for a Mapleton Quarterly Meeting then introduced MHA’s new Community Coordinator, Kathryn Alexander, the Thistle Staff (Roger Lewis, Asset Manager, Jim Harrington (Special Projects Coordinator), and Etta Habegger (Community Land Trust Coordinator) and Nancy Blackwood (site planner.)
Nancy Blackwood reviewed the original Concept Study and how that has now changed to reflect the actual footprint for our homes now and in the future.
Jim Harrington gave us an update on the Infrastructure stating that Drexel Barrell has been chosen as the Civil Engineering firm with Leslie Roberts being our contact. Residents will be seeing several individuals walking the park in relation to surveys and identifying utility lines so that planning for the infrastructure work can begin. Jim also went on to say that there will be several community meetings held in order to gain feedback from the community and provide continuous updates as we move forward.
Mark Reeder then turned the meeting over to Alex Wilson, who opened the floor for the elections of two new officers: President and Secretary. Debbie Feustel #6 was elected President and Lori Anderegg #185 became Secretary. Mark then thanked everyone for their hard work on the Mapleton Project and handed the meeting over to Debbie Feustel.
When Mark stepped down and had to leave to take care of Debbie, Deb Feustel led a heartfelt standing ovation for the work he and Debbie have done. The members thanked them both for their leadership, compassion and forward thinking.
Thistle then took the stage and presented an overview of the project. Roger Lewis outlined the acquisition steps being taken by TCH to acquire Mapleton. Jim Harrington distributed an organizational chart to identify those members involved with the various committees between the two organizations.Etta Habegger introduced the fact that TCH will soon be collecting information regarding income verification from the residents of MHA. There will be community meetings to orient MHA residents on how and what is needed for the affordability requirements as it relates to the Community Land Trust.
Currently MHA and TCH are working on the Land Lease. The Management Committee has been working with TCH and Hast and Company to revise our existing lot leases and rules and regulations which will be presented to the community during the scheduled meetings.
A question was raised concerning the matter of keeping Hast & Company as a management company. Debbie responded "for continuity. Hast & Company knows our community. We are in transition and this is not the time to switch horses. Hast & Company is familiar with our residents and the Park. Additionally, Hast has offered to keep the current rate they charge for their services". Deb also reported that TCH and MHA are working diligently with Hast to create a comprehensive management plan for the future. The committee has worked very hard and has been faced with many challenges that are not always easy. They have faced numerous questions and are very thoughtful as to how these changes may affect our future.
Review and changes to the lot lease and rules and regulations have just been concluded with the Management Committee and will be reviewed by our respective attorneys. The final documents to be available for community comment at the up and coming meetings to be held in July.
The question of watering came up. While we may be out of the drought we are not out of the woods. MHA residents are good about conservation. Keep up the good spirit in preserving the precious fluid some take for granted. As long as we’re in the habit, might as well continue.
A sign up sheet for comments by participants was available. Since there were no comments, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM.

MHA Dues
Membership dues are owed. Have you paid your $5.00? If not please make a check payable to Mapleton Home Association and deliver to any member of the Executive Board, Tammy Lynn #16 or Sylvia Gentile #143.
Web Master
Jonathan Machen has agreed to take on Debbie Kranzler’s past position of keeping the Mapleton website current. Thank you Jonathan.

Recently TCH passed out flyers notifying the community of the very important dates that community members are either required or requested to attend. THESE DATES HAVE BEEN TEMPORARILY POSTPONED. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have postponed the scheduled community meetings until further notice.
Regular meetings will be held at the Unity Church. They are as follows, Attendance Requested:
oSunday, July 20 5:30 PM – Quarterly Meeting
oAugust 21, 6:30 - Mapleton Project Update

Exec Speaks Out
by Debbie Feustel

I believe strongly in our community and hope to represent you all well. I come to you with a passion for the vision started and compassion for all residents. The gavel, although relatively light, carries with it a heavy load carried by past Presidents. I take this role very seriously. We have a great deal of work to do before the acquisition of Mapleton can be completed.
It is not an easy task, stepping into the shoes of both Debbie, as interim community coordinator or Mark as President. Both Debbie and Mark have worked tirelessly to get us where we are today. Without them and others we would not be as far along as we are.
Mapleton has been at this for seven years and now we are coming down to the wire. Where are we
today? We are in the last stages of acquisition, infrastructure and finally to say that we will soon be a resident managed park. The next few months are filled with various activities both for the various committees and the community. I urge all of you to attend these scheduled meetings and participate as much as you can. Volunteers are still working diligently to
bring forth all of the work that has been and needs to be done. Anyone interested in participating on a committee can contact Kathryn Alexander (720) 565-1010 to find out more details. Your individual help and wisdom is always welcome.
I am most grateful to all of the committee members for their time and effort in bringing us to and through the future. We want to welcome Dick Wilcoxen back from and glad you’ve joined in with Silvia Gentile and Keith Ainsworth who have been hard at it in looking at the infrastructure work. To Mari Haas, Alex Wilson, Jonathan Machen, Gene Langlois for your diligence in slogging through the lease and Rules and Regulations. To Ben Jensen for your excellent work on the Land Lease and to Paul Keaton for your tireless work on Affordability. To Tammy and Patrick Lynn for your advice and suggestions on Finance. To Pete Caterina for your wonderful archival files and John Hollin thanks for your continuing efforts on our By-laws. Don McKee thanks for your diligence with associated items on Goose Creek. I’m sure the community joins me in saying a big thanks to all of you. Canvassers get ready to lace up your shoes.

Membership Form

Hand write this information or link to a printable form and return with $5.00 to Tammy Lynn #16, Alex Wilson #58, Mari Haas #161, or Mark Reeder #14

Name:_____________________________________ Phone #: _____________________

Lot #: ____________

Office Use Only:

Amount paid: _______     check or cash    Date paid: __________