Nothing currently scheduled


Minutes from the last Quarterly Meeting are in the August, 2002 Mapleton Mobilizer.

The MHA is implementing a more structured format for its QuarterlyMeetings. The new format is as follows.

Quarterly Meetings will be organized in four parts:

  1. MHA business which covers agenda items. The business portion will be restricted to agenda items as listed by the President of the MHA.
  2. Five (5) minute break to give residents time to sign up for comment period.
  3. Public comment period when the business portion is concluded. Consists of a structured time of thirty (30) minutes to be divided equally among participants with no participant speaking for longer than five (5) minutes.
  4. Ten (10) minute period at the conclusion of the meeting to allow residents to speak with members of the various MHA Committees and the Executive Board.

Rules governing the business portion of meetings and the comment period:

  1. Meetings open to all residents.
  2. The Chair will read the rules of the meetings to the residents before the meeting begins. It will be explained that if residents stay, they agree to follow the rules and abide by the decisions of the chair.
  3. Questions about an agenda item asked after the agenda item has been presented.
  4. Specific clarifications of information may be asked during an agenda item presentation.
  5. Questions should be succinct.
  6. People who use the question period to make comments or to ask questions that do not refer to the agenda item will be asked to wait until the general comment period at the end of the meeting.
  7. People who persist in making comments or asking questions that do not refer to the agenda items will be asked to leave the meeting. If they do not leave the meeting voluntarily, they will be escorted from the meeting.
  8. Comment period is open to all residents and consists of a structured time of thirty (30) minutes to be divided equally among participants with no participant speaking for longer than five (5) minutes.
  9. Residents must come to the front to make a comment.
  10. If a resident asks a question that can be answered by a member of the Executive Board, a Committee member, or another resident at the meeting, he or she will share the allotted speaking time with the answer.
  11. If the comment or question is about an individual or personal issue, it will be referred to the appropriate committee.



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