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Revised 2001


The management of Mapleton Park hereby adopts these rules and regulations concerning the use and occupancy of the premises commonly known as Mapleton Mobile Home Park. The purpose of these rules and regulations, according to article 38-12-214 of the Colorado Mobile Home Park Landlord-Tenant Act, section (1a), "is to promote the convenience, safety, and welfare of the residents, protect and preserve the premises from abusive use, and to make a fair distribution of services and facilities". We encourage adherence to good ecological principles such as recycling, minimal or no use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and safe disposal of any toxic materials. A violation of these rules and regulations constitutes a default, which may result in proceedings against the Resident, including eviction.

These rules and regulations may be amended from time to time by Management.



1. Leases & Rents. Resident is not allowed to assign, lease or sublease any part of the homesite or mobile home. Mapleton Park Declarations and Covenants and the City of Boulder's Regulations require that Mapleton Park is an Owner Occupied development. All homes in the Mapleton Park must be Owner occupied. However, there may be several homes within the park that are owned by non-profit corporations which rent the homes to low-income residents and provide those residents with assistance towards home ownership. Leases of homesites within Mapleton Park shall comply with Colorado State Law. The City of Boulder reserves the right to approve or reject any applicant for homesite rental as long as that rejection is not based upon illegal discrimination. Convicted felons who have served their time and parole will be considered on a case by case basis. Convicted drug dealers who have served their time including parole and have completed a drug rehabilitation program and have been drug free for two years will be considered on a case by case basis. Child molesters and persons convicted of sex crimes and/or sexual assault will not be permitted to own or occupy a home.

2. Management Approval. Resident shall not move any mobile home into the park, nor shall Resident transfer any mobile home to any other person in the park, until written approval is obtained from Management.

3. Compliance with Applicable Laws. Resident's mobile home shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, codes, and regulations now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to the construction, alteration, extension, location, installation, use and maintenance of mobile homes.

4. Installation, Movement, and Removal of Mobile Home. The installation, movement, and removal of Resident's mobile home in and from the mobile home park shall be done only under the supervision of management. Resident's mobile home must be positioned on the premises in accordance with the instructions of management. Resident shall give Management at least forty-eight (48) hours notice before moving a mobile home into, within or out of the park. The installation, movement, and removal of Resident's mobile home in and from the park shall be done in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, codes, and regulations, now in force or which may hereafter be in force. It shall be Resident's responsibility to obtain any permits or other documents required by any governmental agency for the installation or movement of a mobile home.

5. Skirting. No later than thirty (30) days after moving a mobile home into or within the park, Resident shall install skirting around the mobile home. Said skirting shall be subject to written approval by management. The purpose of skirting on a mobile home is to improve weatherization, keep out animals from under the home, and give the unit a more home-like appearance. Skirting must accomplish these goals, plus have the exterior finish maintained and provide an access door to the sewer and utility connections under the home.

6. Steps and Porches . All steps to Resident's mobile home shall be made of sturdy materials. All steps and porches shall be kept in good condition. All main entry steps and porches shall have handrails. All steps and porches shall be subject to inspection and approval by management.

7. Utilities. Residents shall be individually responsible to make arrangements for utility and telephone hookups. The property owner is responsible for maintenance of the sewer and water system, however each Resident of the park is responsible for the water and sewer connection and shall take all necessary measures to insure against damage or freezing. After installing the mobile home in the park, Resident shall attach the water line to the water riser on the mobile home space. Resident shall wrap all water lines with electric heat tape. Resident shall be responsible for that portion of the water riser, which connects the water service to the mobile home and shall be financially responsible for any damage to the water and sewer connections due to improper or insufficient connection or protection.

It is required that all utility lines and wires within the Park be buried. Before commencing any proposed excavation for utility lines or for any other purpose, all Residents are required to notify the Management and receive written permission for same. Any Resident or his or her agent who proposes any excavation work within the park shall indemnify and hold the City of Boulder and Hast & Company harmless from any claims and damages which might arise out of said excavation project.

8. Hitches. The mobile home hitch does not need to be removed so long as it is not a hazard.

9. Appearance. Resident shall keep the mobile home in good condition and shall maintain the exterior of the mobile home in a neat appearance at all times. Shrubbery must be trimmed away from the common walkways. All doors to homes must be accessible. Trashcans with lids and recycling bins are acceptable, as are personal items that are in good repair and neatly displayed or stored. However, flammables, trash, garbage outside of a closed trash container, anything that might be blown out of the yard by wind, broken items, unusable furniture or appliances, and any "attractive nuisance" are not allowed.

10. Additions . No additions to the mobile home, structures, buildings, patios, or other improvements shall be installed without first obtaining approval from management and complying with City of Boulder Revised Code.



1. Storage Sheds. Sheds or storage units on individual home sites should be maintained in good repair: they should be stable, have doors that are kept closed when not in use; have paint or other finish that is in good condition; and can be constructed of wood, metal or plastic. All existing sheds that conform to these guidelines are acceptable. Proper building permits should be obtained from the City of Boulder prior to construction of any new shed or storage unit.

2. Fences . No razor or barbed wire will be allowed. Fences must not block neighbor's windows or access to daylight and must be maintained in good repair.

3. Maintenance of Mobile Home Space. Resident shall keep the mobile home space in a neat and orderly fashion at all times. Resident shall properly water, mow and maintain the lawn. All trash and debris shall be kept out of sight. All brooms, ladders, seasonal furniture, bicycles, tricycles, toys, and other personal property shall be kept in a neat and orderly fashion.

4. Snow Removal. Residents are responsible for removing snow, ice and sleet from the walkway in front of their home by noon on the day following a snowfall, in accordance with the City of Boulder ordinance. The management company is responsible for snow-removal from common areas such as near the laundry facility, in front of unoccupied home sites and public sidewalks bordering the park.

5. Watering. Watering of yards, gardens and lawns should not be performed after 9 PM. Lawns may be watered on alternate days, even numbered home sites watering on even dates and odd numbered home sites watering on odd dates. Vegetable and flower gardens may be watered daily as needed during the hottest and driest times of the year.



1. Registration of Vehicles. All motor vehicles owned, leased, or possessed by Resident shall be licensed and operable while on site. Resident shall observe all motor vehicle laws of the State of Colorado and City of Boulder. Only drivers licensed by the State of Colorado or another state of the United States may operate motor vehicles within the park.

2. Speed Limit. Resident shall observe the speed limit in the park at all times. The speed limit is fifteen (15) miles per hour.

3. Prohibited Vehicles. Inoperable vehicles may be stored for a period not to exceed 3 months in the designated storage area only with special permission from the Management. An inoperable vehicle is any vehicle that is not registered, is not street legal, or is not in running condition. Stored vehicles must have inflated tires. Resident shall not keep within the park any heavy truck, bus, farm equipment, or construction equipment.

4. Parking . Each home may have two cars parked in front. Cars should always be parked so that they do not block or extend into walkways, neighbor's home sites or roadways. Parking spaces in designated areas may be rented for $30.00 per month by residents who own more than 2 cars on a first come first served basis until all spots are taken. Each Resident shall instruct visitors where to park. The parking spaces in front of each home are to be used primarily to park Resident's motor vehicle, which is licensed and operable. Resident shall not use the space in front of the home to park any over sized vehicle, which might obstruct walkways, roadways or a neighbor's access. Resident shall not park any motor vehicle on lawns, patios, or other areas not designated for parking.

5. Major Mechanical Repairs. Maintenance and repairs on resident-owned cars may be performed in front of the owner's home as long as the work does not impinge on the roadway; stains are not left after the work is completed; tools, flammables or other hazards are not left unattended at any time; cars raised on jacks are never left unattended; motors are not run without an operable muffler; engines are never "gunned" or "revved". Only resident owned vehicles are covered by these guidelines. Any mechanical repair shall be completed on the same day it is started. Washing the exterior and cleaning the interior of resident-owned cars in front of the owner's home is acceptable as long as it is done in compliance with noise and watering rules, and does not infringe on the neighbors (e.g. by spraying their home or car with soap and/or water, or allowing runoff to flood their garden, etc.). Extensive mechanical repairs on a motor vehicle may only be done in the designated storage area with special permission from the Management. Minor mechanical operations, such as oil changes, tire changes, and minor tune-ups, are permitted.

6. Towing. If Resident violates any of these rules pertaining to motor vehicles, Management shall cause the vehicle in violation to be towed and stored at Resident's expense.



Laundry facilities may be used 24 hours per day. Please maintain the laundry facilities in a neat and orderly fashion at all times.



Signs advertising businesses, yard sales, services of a non-lewd nature, etc. may be placed by residents on the bulletin board in the laundry room. "For Sale" signs may be placed on cars or in homes by the owner of said property. Other signs may be posted by Management and MHA.



1. Pets. Small animals, which remain caged within the home (i.e. birds, fish, etc.), are allowed. Cats are allowed as long as they are kept inside the home at all times. No dogs are allowed. Companion and service animals assisting persons with disabilities are not considered pets and therefore are allowed.



No Resident shall install wiring for television antennas or satellite dishes on the exterior of the homesite except as expressly authorized by the Management, which may withhold permission in its discretion.



Skateboarding and rollerblading in the park are permissible; jumps and stunts are not allowed.



Fireworks are prohibited in the park.



No open fires are permitted in the park, except those used for cooking in a charcoal or gas grill.



Resident shall not engage in any commercial enterprise or business in the park outside of the mobile home. Resident shall not distribute or post advertising materials except in areas so designated. Resident shall not engage in soliciting or peddling in the park. No person shall use any part of a mobile home park for nonresidential purposes except such uses that are required for the direct benefit and well-being of park residents and for the management and maintenance of the park, including without limitation convenience stores, personal service shops, and day care nurseries provided for the exclusive convenience and use of the residents, as permitted under Section 9-3.1-1, "Permitted Use of Land", B.R.C. 1981, and approved as part of the site plan under the provisions for special use review use of Section 9-4-9, "Use Review", B.R.C. 1981, or approved as part of a site review approval under the provisions of Section 9-4-11, "Site Review", B.R.C. 1981.



1. Noise. Loud noise is not permitted in the park during quiet hours. Quiet hours are from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. daily. No loud noise or disturbances (as defined by the City of Boulder's ordinance) of any kind will be tolerated during quiet hours. Residents are requested at all times to keep radios, televisions, stereos, musical instruments, engines, et cetera, at low volumes so that neighbors are not disturbed. Car horns are to be utilized only in cases of imminent danger to person or property.

2. Compliance with Laws. No violation of any law or ordinance of the City, State or Federal Government will be allowed within the Park. No acts or behavior by any person that would place the Park, its Owner, Management or its Residents in violation of any law or ordinance shall be permitted. Adult residents are strictly responsible and financially liable for their own actions, as well as the actions of their children and guests while in the Park.

3. Home Space Responsibilities. Each homesite within the Park is private property. Trespassing upon another's homesite is not permitted except for access to common electrical panel boxes and access for maintenance of the home. Management reserves the right to enter and inspect the homesite to make repairs, or if needed in case of an emergency.

4. Alcoholic Beverages. No open containers of alcoholic beverages shall be allowed in the streets and common areas of the Park. All parties and social gatherings shall be conducted with due respect for the rights of other residents of the Park. Resident shall be responsible for the conduct of guests at any party.

5. Children. Resident is responsible for the behavior and conduct of all minor children residing with or visiting Resident.

6. Guests. Resident shall be responsible for the conduct of his or her guests.

7. Loitering. There shall be no loitering in violation of Colorado Law.



The foregoing rules and regulations shall be enforced by management. If, upon receiving one written notice of a violation of these rules and regulations, Resident continues in violation, such continuing violation shall be grounds to terminate the lease pursuant to its default provisions.



Enforcement of Rules and Regulations The manager is granted the authority to enforce all provisions of the Rules and Regulations through the levy of fines against the resident . Owner of the mobile home will be notified of all violations. Fines will be assessed as additional levies to the rent for the leased space. All fines will be subject to a late charge of $25.00 if not paid within thirty (30) days. Late payments will be subject to an interest rate of 18% per annum. Each adult resident of a unit will be held liable for all fines assessed due to violations by: their children, all minor persons residing in the adult resident's unit, guests or invitees of the adult resident or anyone residing in the unit. Please be advised that every day is essentially a new violation. You may be assessed a new violation every day.

First Offense: A warning letter will be sent to unit owner.

Second Offense*: A $25 fine may be assessed against the unit owner.

Third Offense*: A $50 fine may be assessed against the unit owner.

Fourth and Subsequent Offenses*: A $100 fine may be assessed against the unit owner and the eviction process may be started.

*Must occur within one year of the report date of the previous violation of the same regulation.

Appeal of Warning/Fine If an owner wishes to file an appeal, they must do so in writing within 10 days of the issue date of the warning notice or fine notification. This written appeal must be sent to Hast & Company, 525 Canyon Blvd, Boulder, Colorado 80302.




Copyright © 2001 Mapleton Home Association. All rights reserved.